@KimKardashian Dating Halle Berry’s Ex Gabriel Aubry; Spotted Again (Photos)

Who is Kim Kardashian dating? Well it seems like Kim Kardashian is using her charm on a new man who just happens to be Halle Berry’s ex and baby daddy Gabriel Aubry. The two were spotted leaving a movie after Thanksgiving dinner, a follow-up to their courtside date, as reported on HipHopRx.com

Picture of Kim Kardashian and Gabriel Aubry leaving moviesPhoto of Kim Kardashian and Gabriel Aubry hanging out Thanksgiving Day 2010

As for Thanksgiving dinner, Gabriel Aubry joined “The Keeping Up With The Kardashians” reality family and according to Kim, they stuffed themselves.

In addition to the movie date, the two allegedly caught Christina Aguilera’s Burlesque that night.

Kim Kardashian is rumored to have been dating Gabriel Aubry for a few weeks now and her family has grown quite fond of him too. As for Kim Kardashian’s ex-boyfriend Reggie Bush, he’s stated to be engaged to Mayra Veronica, however friends of the football player have denied the rumor and is saying the Cuban-American model is hallucinating the entire thing. The model have been tweeting pics of a diamond ring on her left hand.

Preston Lowe

MD/Air Personality

Station: WMBX/WNEW

Market: West Palm Beach, FL

Company: CBS Radio

Born: Detroit, MI

Raised: Bastrop And Austin, TX

10 Questions with … Preston Lowe

  • KNLE/Austin, TX – Air Personality
  • KGSR/Austin, TX – Air Personality
  • KJCE A/Austin, TX – PD/Air Personality
  • KQBT/Austin, TX – MD/Air Personality
  • KWIE/Riverside-San Bernardino, CA – PD/Air Personality
  • WMBX/West Palm Beach, FL – MD/Air Personality
  • WNEW/West Palm Beach FL – Air Personality
1. What was your last non-Industry job?

I worked at Apple Computers in Austin.

2. What got you back into Radio?

My longtime friend and radio mentor, Mark McCray suddenly found himself without a music director and he thought the best thing was to bring in someone who already knew how he liked things done without having to train someone. He asked me to come back into the biz.

3. You’re a Texas man. What’s your favorite part of living and working in West Palm Beach?

The Beach… The weather… The Quick drive down to South Beach… There’s so much… I will run out of ink listing them.

4. In addition to your duties at WMBX, you also work at sister station WNEW. What do you do there?

I voice track the overnight shift seven days a week which has become very popular on the internet with oversees listeners as well around the country. I help Mark McCray, who programs WNEW as well as WMBX along with Patrice who is the music director for WNEW. Mark and Patrice have their hands full dealing with the day to day stuff and I’m there to pick up the loose ends. I’m also the stations Twitter/Facebook and Myspace guy… 24/7 I’m Online directing new listeners to our station and clients.

5. You’ve worked with your PD Mark McCray for many years now. I’ll lob you a softball…what do you think Mark’s biggest strength as a PD is?

Mark handles problems. I mean he deals with it, ties it up and tucks it away so it does not come back another day. Most times, I would not know there was a problem until he fixed it and then told me about it. He is a very good teacher. If you don’t know what he wants you to do on-air or with the music then you just don’t get it. He lays it right out there…

6. If I could be someone else for 24 hours, I’d be ____________?

This is a tough one because I would want to be someone who had to the power to help everyone with whatever they needed and there is no one on Earth that can do that.

7. What’s the first thing you do when you get to the station?

I go throught email, check news Web sites like http://www.allaccess.com. I can not begin the day including a day off without knowing what in the heck is going on in the world. There could be something happening that will make whatever I planned for the day a complete non issue.

8. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Believe it or not, nothing. If I have spare time, I’m at the radio station thinking of a better way to do what I do. I’m always online. I just can’t know enough. I’m searching, always looking for something or someone.

9. What area of your radio “game” do you most want to improve?

I want to to be more consistent…on point…on time…a bit quicker… all on-air of course. Production can be perfected. The live on-air in real life can’t be perfect but I want to get as close to perfect as possible.

10. If you were to leave Radio today and you could choose any other occupation, what would it be?

I would like to do more with online networking, promotion and broadcasting. I believe the internet is the final frontier of broadcasting. A media where you can be everywhere. I get a lot of emails from people across the country and around the world that say I haven’t heard that song or we don’t have a radio station in my area that plays your music and I’m making an mp3 of your broadcast. Just think, 100 years from now I could be on an mp3 in somebody’s external hard drive in a small town outside of London. You never know. I will live forever in cyberspace.

Bonus Questions

When you visit home in Texas, what’s the first meal you’re looking for?

I’m not a big eater. You can tell by looking at me. I’d probably hit the first Taco Cabana I find. I think they are only in Central Texas.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a scientist. I remember getting a microscope for Christmas and a chemical set.. Then, I ventured into electronics. I built a radio with a junior radio kit. You know those kits you could buy where there was a drawn picture of a son and his father and the father would always be smoking a pipe. They looked happy. Anyway, somehow I would have eventually circled into radio in some kind of way.

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